Wednesday, January 5, 2011

My Cluttered Life

If there was one word to describe my life, it would be cluttered!  Everything in my life is home, my van, my office, even my mind!  I've been told that I learned to be a "clutterer" by my mother, as she was a born pack-rat.  But there is so much more to my clutter than just "stuff"'s a lifestyle.  A lifestyle that I am determining to change.

But how do you begin to change a near 40-year lifestyle?  I believe that it has to start in the mind.  I have begun to make more lists, to-do lists, goal lists, cleaning schedules, and more.  If it's in my mind, I'm gonna write it down. For two reasons: first, so I don't forget and second, so it's not cluttering my mind anymore.

I can already see an improvement, slight but still, improvement!  And that's what it's going to steps. But I am thankful that I am making steps, no matter how small they are!


  1. You go, girl! It's all about "jumping in" and taking the first step! I'm proud of you! I'm here if you need me... let me know how I can help! :)

  2. Shelley - my first thought was "button - clutter for your blog" LOL
