Friday, January 7, 2011

Christmas Clutter

Well, I finally decided I was ready to down-size my Christmas stuff.  As I've implied, I'm a packrat...inherited and learned this bad habit from my mother.  However, I am serious about this de-cluttering so as I started to pack up my Christmas decor, I laid it all out around me and sorted through it all.  Lots of memories...homemade ornaments from my kids, ornaments received from my preschool students over the years, collectible ornaments from special occasions, random ornaments from gift exchanges, white elephants, etc.  Thankfully, I made it through the pile with a box of ornaments for Goodwill.

Unfortunately, in my quest to downsize, I ended up adding to my Christmas collection.  After Christmas, I purchased a pre-lit tree on clearance for next year with the plan to donate my current difficult to assemble and light tree to Goodwill.  The unfortunate part is that Dave and Aren both are adamant that we keep fact, Aren says we can buy more and have a Christmas forest in our house (even so far as moving our couches outside!) Dave packed up "his" tree and took it to the basement.  We'll see if he actually gets it out next our 10+ years of marriage, he has never put the Christmas tree up!

But I am thankful that our Christmas decorations are finally boxed up and ready to move back to their home in the basement so that I can have some more room...that in itself makes me feel like I'm making some progress in de-cluttering my life!

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