Saturday, April 23, 2011

I'm a Mess!

My life is so filled with stuff....and more keeps coming in each day!

My current issue stems from a step at organization...I started creating a Home Management Binder.  It had divided sections for important areas in my life that I need to get organized...Tastefully Simple, Landmark, Cornerstone, Finances, Contacts, Calendar, etc.

Well, due to my lack of organization and life of chaos, I have LOST my binder.  Along with a few bills that needed to be paid last week! :-(  I've been looking for it for about 3 weeks now...I am about to give up and begin a new binder.  It'll probably show up as soon as I get a better one made!


  1. Hi I'm Sam from (I Love Organising)
    I have given you an award. Check out my blog.

  2. I hope you were able to find your binder. I tend to loose great coupons, even with using all 3 different methods of organizing coupons lol. I don't know if you would like suggestions nor to offend you....but you may want to consider using a very extremely bright flurescent color like the obnoxious caution yellow or pink. And then if the binder has a place where you can slip a sheet in the front and a small bottle of glow-in the dark paint and just paint the front page and then print onto it. I have done this with similar things so i don't loose them. I know it sounds udderly crazy but it has come in handy...just a thought:)
